Rankings 2025:
Rankings 2024:
Rankings 2023:
Rankings 2022:
Rankings 2021:
Rankings 2020:
Rankings 2019:
Rankings 2018:
Rankings 2017:
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Russia. RKF Cup 2024, 08.06.2024 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, SABANEEV MEMORIAL 2024, 27.01.2024 (in group)
1 place, ГРИЛЕНД ТУТТИ ФРУТТИ БЕАУТИ, Russia. RKF Cup & Moscow Cup 2022, 27.11.2022 (best junior)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Russia. RKF Cup 2020-2021, 26.11.2022 (in group)
3 place, ГРИЛЕНД ТУТТИ ФРУТТИ БЕАУТИ, Russia. RKF Cup 2020-2021, 26.11.2022 (best junior)
3 place, Griland Throughout The World, EURASIA. CIS CUP 2022, 22.05.2022 (in group)
3 place, Griland Throughout The World, Eurasia. RKF President’s Cup 2022, 21.05.2022 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Kursk 2021, 26.09.2021 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, GOSPODIN VELIKIY NOVGOROD 2021, 21.08.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, GOSPODIN VELIKIY NOVGOROD 2021, 21.08.2021 (best in show)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Yaroslavskiy medved 2021, 18.07.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Yaroslavskiy medved 2021, 18.07.2021 (best in show)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Desnyanskoe Leto 2021, 27.06.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Desnyanskoe Leto 2021, 27.06.2021 (best in show)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, SMOLENSKIY BRILLIANT 2021, 20.06.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, MAZOVER MEMORIAL 2021, 12.06.2021 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, GOLDEN RING GATES 2021, 30.05.2021 (in group)
3 place, Griland Throughout The World, GOLDEN RING GATES 2021, 30.05.2021 (best in show)
2 place, GRILAND LIVING LEGEND AT BELLABLUE, Yaroslavna 2021, 23.05.2021 (in group)
3 place, Griland Throughout The World, Rostov the Great 2021, 22.05.2021 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, INTER-OMSK II 2021, 09.05.2021 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, INTER-OMSK II 2021, 09.05.2021 (best in show)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, INTER-OMSK I 2021, 08.05.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Kuban Spring 2021, 17.04.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Belyi gorod-1 2021, 03.04.2021 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Siyazhar 2021, 07.03.2021 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Siyazhar 2021, 07.03.2021 (best in show)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, RHDF Cup 2021, 24.01.2021 (in group)
2 place, SHERO WOO ALEJANDRO, SEZON V NIZHNEM 2020, 17.10.2020 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Yaroslavskiy medved 2020, 06.09.2020 (in group)
2 place, GRILAND MASTERPIECE, Chernozemie 2020, 15.08.2020 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Russia 2019, 02.11.2019 (in group)
1 place, GRILAND MASTERPIECE, Season In Nizhniy-II 2019, 20.10.2019 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Season In Nizhniy-I 2019, 19.10.2019 (in group)
3 place, Griland Throughout The World, Smolenskie prostory-2019, 21.07.2019 (in group)
3 place, Griland Knock Out, Eurasia 2019, 23.02.2019 (best junior)
3 place, Griland Throughout The World, Chernozemie-2018, 07.10.2018 (in group)
1 place, Griland Throughout The World, Smolenskiy Brilliant, 16.06.2018 (in group)
2 place, Griland Throughout The World, Smolenskiy Brilliant, 16.06.2018 (best in show)