Rankings 2024:
Rankings 2023:
Rankings 2022:
Rankings 2021:
Rankings 2020:
Rankings 2019:
Rankings 2018:
Rankings 2017:
1 place, LOVELY-ORANGE COFFEE BREAK, VLADIMIR Region CUP 2021, 15.08.2021 (best junior)
2 place, RAY OF GOLDEN SUN VALUABLE ELEMENT, VLADIMIR 2021, 14.08.2021 (in group)
3 place, LOVELY-ORANGE COFFEE BREAK, VLADIMIR 2021, 14.08.2021 (best junior)
3 place, LOVELY-ORANGE BARLOW, SOUTHERN CAPITAL 2021, 18.04.2021 (in group)
2 place, LOVELY-ORANGE BARLOW, Suzdal falcon 2021, 21.03.2021 (in group)
2 place, LOVELY-ORANGE BARLOW, Suzdal falcon 2021, 21.03.2021 (best junior)
1 place, LOVELY-ORANGE BARLOW, RHDF Cup 2021, 24.01.2021 (in group)
1 place, LOVELY-ORANGE BARLOW, RHDF Cup 2021, 24.01.2021 (best junior)
1 place, LOVELY-ORANGE GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST, VLADIMIR CITY CUP 2020, 13.09.2020 (best junior)
2 place, Scatman of Fianna Team, Season In Nizhniy-I, 20.10.2018 (in group)
1 place, Lovely-Orange Boo, Black Sea Pearl 2017, 10.09.2017 (in group)
2 place, Lovely-Orange Mascarpone, Belyi Gorod - 2017, 09.04.2017 (in group)