Velvet Season-2017

Russia, Sochi

Number of Participants: 442


Best in show

Judge: Malgorzata Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska (Poland)

1 place Goldinalena Leyland — Dogo Argentino

2 place Queen Catherine The Great Del Barone Rampante — Italian Greyhound

3 place Evak's Watermark — Poodle Toy

4 place Shemsu Sotis Plutos Pont — Beagle

Best in group

Group 1

Judge: Boguslaw Chmiel (Poland)

1 place Akai Mystery Arbuz — Bearded Collie

2 place Hit Alivet Miron — Bouvier des Flandres

3 place Erben Welt Stern Afina — German sheperd long-haired

Group 2

Judge: Boguslaw Chmiel (Poland)

1 place Goldinalena Leyland — Dogo Argentino

2 place Eria Pro Boss Maximillian — Doberman Pinscher

3 place Newfort Shawn Wallmar Triumph — Newfoundland

Group 3

Judge: Marko Lepasaar (Estonia)

1 place Vest Are Irresistible Proff — West Highland White Terrier

2 place Avalanshe Eire-Kerry Vassa — Kerry Blue Terrier

3 place Loved Scrooge McDuck Od Benga — American Staffordshire Terrier

Group 4

Judge: Marko Lepasaar (Estonia)

1 place Vito Sattelito Djek Pot Fartovyi Igrok — Dachshund standard smooth-haired

2 place Zimerbude Opra — Dachshund rabbit smooth-haired

3 place Armidach Renne Royal Flover — Dachsund Rabbit Long-haired

Group 5

Judge: Marko Lepasaar (Estonia)

1 place Frosty-Champions Gilden Youth — Siberian Husky

2 place Сердце Воина Ерс — American Akita

3 place Medvezhya Staya Ar'Yana — Samoyed

Group 6

Judge: Malgorzata Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska (Poland)

1 place Shemsu Sotis Plutos Pont — Beagle

Group 7

Judge: Marko Lepasaar (Estonia)

1 place Tantsuyushii Veter Night Angel — English Setter

2 place Zolotaya Gora Bespodobny Favorit — Weimaraner Short-Haired

3 place Jet Butterfly Bretonique Style — Brittany

Group 8

Judge: Marko Lepasaar (Estonia)

1 place Status Quo Style Of Mary — English Cocker Spaniel

2 place Tsunami's For Your Eyes Only — American Cocker Spaniel

3 place Shelsi Lucki Jerry Jack — Labrador Retriever

Group 9

Judge: Alexey Belkin (Russia)

1 place Evak's Watermark — Poodle Toy

2 place Zhetana Royal Deni Alves — Griffon bruxellois

3 place Best In You Absolutely Afrodiziak — Cavalier king charles spaniel

Group 10

Judge: Alexey Belkin (Russia)

1 place Queen Catherine The Great Del Barone Rampante — Italian Greyhound

2 place Yantarnaya Legenda Iz Detey Vetra — Borzoi

3 place Nikoletta — Irish Wolfhound